2024 Online Exclusive Articles

Online Exclusive articles are published only online to support timely discussion on emerging time-sensitive issues. Online publication also allows us to publish more articles than before due to the unconstrained nature of the website. To view online exclusive articles from previous years, see https://www.armyupress.army.mil/journals/military-review/online-exclusive-archives/.

Publishing Disclaimer: In all of its publications and products, Military Review presents professional information. However, the views expressed therein are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Army University, the Department of the Army, or any other agency of the U.S. government.

July 2024 Online Exclusive Articles

Close the Skills Gap with Expeditionary Civilians

Col. Rick L. Tillotson, U.S. Army, Retired

When units conduct mission analysis for deployment missions, they should consider expeditionary civilian augmentation as a sourcing solution for covering identified skill capability gaps in their formations.

Article published on: 12 July 2024


The Center of Gravity in Artificial Intelligence Ethics Is the Dataset

Capt. Timothy Naudet, U.S. Army
Capt. Robert B. Skinker, U.S. Army

The dataset is the center of gravity in artificial intelligence (AI) ethics because a human ultimately decides what information goes into the dataset and how it is organized. Therefore, AI ethics should be evaluated on the use of explicit steps in engineering the dataset to ensure unbiased sampling, proper acquisition, consent, license, approval, and an equitable outcome.

Article published on: 12 July 2024


Comparative Analysis of U.S., Russian, and Chinese Military Cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean

Benjamin Kurylo

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has reemerged as a focal point in the great power competition among the United States, Russia, and China, and the three powers have made military cooperation with the LAC countries an essential aspect of their efforts to assert their influence in the region.

Article published on: 12 July 2024


C-UAS Operations

Maj. Andrew M. Poller, U.S. Army
Capt. Brandon Toum, U.S. Army

The Army must continue to develop layered defense systems that both provide mobile and static protection from enemy unmanned aircraft systems in support of maneuver forces. Lessons learned by the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, during their recent deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq, Syria, and Kuwait will help in this endeavor.

Article published on: 08 July 2024


June 2024 Online Exclusive Articles

2024–2025 Dubik Fellows: Demonstrating the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword

Col. Todd Schmidt, PhD, U.S. Army

The Army University Press has developed a nonresident writing fellowship, the Lt. Gen. (Ret.) James M. Dubik Writing Fellows Program, to encourage military professional writing on important national security and defense topics. In this letter, the director of the Army University Press provides some background on the program and announces the inaugural cohort of scholars selected as the 2024–2025 class of Dubik Fellows.

Article published on: 07 June 2024


Israel’s Struggle with the Information Dimension and Influence Operations during the Gaza War: “The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth”

Dr. Omer Dostri

Israel has implemented various strategies and platforms to counter adversary information operations during its ongoing fight against Hamas and its supporters.

Article published on: 05 June 2024


Command of the Air?

Michael J. Forsyth

Recent conflicts suggest that gaining and maintaining air superiority in an era of drone usage is becoming increasingly difficult, and the inability to unambiguously secure air superiority presents a serious challenge to ground forces.

Article published on: 04 June 2024


Continuous Transformation of the Army Installation

Col. Matthew R. Myer, U.S. Army

Combining the content of the most recent guiding documents and the chief of staff of the Army’s focus areas implemented at the garrison level shapes a path of continuous transformation for installations.

Article published on: 04 June 2024


Scouts on the Water: A Critical Asset in the Pacific Theater

Lt. Col. Josh Suthoff, U.S. Army
Capt. Nicolas Carpenter, U.S. Army

The U.S. Army must continue to build and maintain a waterborne capability to provide commanders options and flexibility in the highly restrictive terrain environment inherent in the Pacific theater.

Article published on: 04 June 2024


May 2024 Online Exclusive Articles

How to Think About Integrating Generative AI in Professional Military Education

Maj. Patrick Kelly, U.S. Army
Maj. Hannah Smith, U.S. Army

The challenge for Command and General Staff College and the professional military education system overall is to enable and encourage uses of AI that will augment student learning while mitigating uses that will hamper students’ development of critical-thinking skills.

Article published on: 23 May 2024


AI Integration for Scenario Development: Training the Whole-of-Force

Maj. Robert A. Coombs, U.S. Army

Artificial intelligence allows military planners the potential to rapidly adjust training scenarios in support of evolving developments and changes on the battlefields, but we may be missing a critical opportunity to apply the same technology to create a whole-of-force training environment.

Article published on: 15 May 2024


How to Write a Book Review

Lt. Col. Zachary Griffiths, U.S. Army

The director of the Harding Project, established to renew professional military writing, provides a detailed guide on how to write a book review for a military journal.

Article published on: 13 May 2024


Soldiers Deserve Outstanding Leadership: Examining the Battalion Command Crisis within the U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery

Lt. Col. Matthew L. Jamison, U.S. Army

Army Air Defense Artillery (ADA) officers are competing for the opportunity to command battalions at a decreasing rate, but there are changes the Army could implement to stop this trend.

Article published on: 03 May 2024


April 2024 Online Exclusive Articles

Integrated Warfare: How U.S. Special Operations Forces Can Counter AI-Equipped Chinese Special Operations Forces

Alan Cunningham

To defeat AI-enhanced Chinese special operations forces, the United States must not only invest funding, research, and battlefield application in the appropriate weaponry, equipment, and hardware and software but also develop new training and skill development programs to specifically have AI-capable combat and combat support operators.

Article published on: 25 April 2024


Wargaming, the Laboratory of Military Planning

Lt. Col. Richard A. McConnell, DM, U.S. Army, Retired
Maj. Cleber H. B. Simões, Brazilian Army
Maj. Roney Magno de Sousa, Brazilian Army
Maj. Thiago Caron da Silva, Brazilian Army

A collaboration between U.S. and Brazil army officers used a scientific approach to examine wargaming options applied to land military scenarios that discovered analog simulations could effectively improve visualization.

Article published on: 15 April 2024


Creating Strategic Problem Solvers

Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle Jr., U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Tom Gaines, U.S. Army

As the Army continues transforming to meet evolving threats on the battlefield, it is meeting with levels of complexity that surpass previous experience. To win, the Army must train leaders to become strategic problem solvers who create new approaches and reimagine the future fight.

Article published on: 09 April 2024


We Need More Professional OPFOR: Dedicated Professional Opposing Forces at Home Station Are an Asymmetric Advantage

Maj. Thomas Haydock, U.S. Army

To provide maneuver units with more realistic training at their home stations, the Army needs to revise its doctrine regarding its opposing force program and create a scalable model for an opposing force (OPFOR) that can approximate the professional OPFOR found at the Army’s combat training centers.

Article published on: 09 April 2024


Restless Sage, Clouded Crystal: Future War, Institutional Change, and the Perils of Impatient Learning

1st Lt. Harrison Manlove, U.S. Army

The lessons-learned process can and should begin before conflict termination through observations. Preliminary lessons and observations are a good place to start and should be the focus for analysts until a conflict’s conclusion, when more concrete lessons may be drawn to change institutional behaviors.

Article published on: 03 April 2024


March 2024 Online Exclusive Articles

Sustaining Our People Advantage in Data-Centric Warfare

Gen. James E. Rainey, U.S. Army
Gen. Gary M. Brito, U.S. Army

Technology is rapidly changing how militaries and proxy forces engage in armed conflict, but war continues to remain a human endeavor, and people are the U.S. Army’s number one asymmetric advantage.

Article published on: 12 March 2024


February 2024 Online Exclusive Articles

Disruption Is the Key to Delivering the Army of 20XX

Lt. Gen. Milford H. Beagle Jr., U.S. Army

Disruptive transformation is largely a mindset and behavior change among leadership teams that sets up organizations to thrive in a disruptive world. According to the commander of the U.S. Army Combined Arms Center, we must foster a culture that thrives on disruptive change.

Article published on: 13 February 2024


Aligning Incentives: Professional Writing in the Army’s Operational Domain

Lt. Col. Jay Ireland, U.S. Army
Maj. Ryan Van Wie, U.S. Army

Two U.S. Army officer combat veterans who also have significant practical experience and success in professional-level writing discuss the importance of developing writing skills to discipline individual logical thinking processes while contributing important information and informed discussion regarding issues of concern to the army. They observe that this reflected in a worrisome trend within the military among officers and NCOs who demonstrate lapsing interest in participating in informed debate in military journals and other venues dealing with national security. They invite leaders at all levels to encourage their soldiers to take the opportunity to apply themselves in ‘putting pen to paper’ and publishing their insights in one of the many publication venues now available that cater to military thinkers.

Article published on: 09 February 2024


Drink, Think, Link: Guiding Online Mentorship

Lt. Col. Erik Davis, U.S. Army
Lt. Col. Nicholas Frazier, U.S. Army

Mentorship comes in many shapes and sizes. Leaders should consider supporting informal mentorship and networking communities by setting up and moderating an informal online community.

Article published on: 07 February 2024


January 2024 Online Exclusive Articles

A Catalyst for Writing

Lt. Col. D. Max Ferguson, U.S. Army

This article introduces the concept of a catalyst paper as a distinct approach to writing Army white papers that encourages all ranks to share observations from the field, introduce suggestions, and examine lessons learned. Such grassroots research papers are written to help busy leaders think, spark dialogue among their peers, and introduce their teams to new methods. Commanders can share them across units and help nominate papers for publication in Army professional journals for dissemination and preservation.

Article published on: 16 January 2024