English 2013 Archive

January-February 2013

Complete Edition Download the PDF

The complete edition as well as all articles are in pdf format. Complete issues may have large file sizes that may take some time to download. Individual articles can be accessed by clicking on the article title below.

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Table of Contents Download the PDF

2 Empirically Based Leadership: Integrating the Science of Psychology in Building a Better Leadership Model Download the PDF

Major Sean P. McDonald, U.S. Army

Leadership doctrine has not fully incorporated critical empirical data into its leadership model.

11 Building the New Culture of Training Download the PDF

General Robert W. Cone, U.S. Army

Commanders will build the new culture of training for the next 40 years.

17 Meritocracy in the Profession of Arms Download the PDF

Colonel Thomas Boccardi, U.S. Army

The Army should modify its current selection practices and adopt a system of talent management.

24 Security Cooperation in Support of Theater Strategy Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Hartmayer, U.S. Army, Retired

Lieutenant Colonel John Hansen, U.S. Army, Retired

Improving interoperability with future coalition partners is a vital investment in our national security.

30 Seizing the Initiative by Establishing the Rule of Law During Combat Operations Download the PDF

Colonel John F. Hussey, U.S. Army Reserve

Preparation of forces for rule of law operations is critical for success of any desired strategic end state.

38 Army Doctrine Publication 3-0: An Opportunity to Meet the Challenges of the Future Download the PDF

Colonel Clinton J. Ancker, III, U.S. Army, Retired

Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Scully, U.S. Army, Retired

Army professionals who shared ideas born out of experiences in combat over the past 11 years developed ADP 3-0 and the associated Doctrine 2015 manuals.

43 "America’s Army–Our Profession" Download the PDF

Major General Gordon B. “Skip” Davis, Jr., U.S. Army

Colonel Jeffrey D. Peterson, U.S. Army

Army members must remain faithful to the five essential characteristics of the Army Profession: trust, military expertise, honorable service, esprit de corps, and stewardship of the profession.

49 Education for Critical Thinking Download the PDF

Colonel Thomas M. Williams, U.S. Army Reserve

The Army’s Professional Military Education system should adopt an educational philosophy that focuses less on knowledge content and more on the ability to reason and argue rationally.

55 Narcissism and Toxic Leaders Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel Joe Doty, Ph.D., U.S. Army, Retired

Master Sergeant Jeff Fenlason, U.S. Army

Authentic leadership is about more than just accomplishing the mission and getting a promotion. It also includes developing and empowering subordinates and building trust.

61 Discerning the Role of the Narrative in Strategy Development Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel David T. Culkin, U.S. Army

The strategic narrative links policy, strategy, and military objectives in a logical framework.

67 INSIGHT: Center for Army Leadership Response to “Empirically Based Leadership” Download the PDF

Colonel Tom Guthrie, U.S. Army

The Leader Requirements Model in Army leadership doctrine is an empirically valid model of leadership informed by leader expertise and operational practice.

74 Book Reviews Download the PDF

Contemporary Readings for the Military Professional

89 Cover 3 Download the PDF

Announcing the 2013 General William E. DePuy Combined Arms Center Writing Competition

March-April 2013

 Complete Edition Download the PDF

The complete edition as well as all articles are in pdf format. Complete issues may have large file sizes that may take some time to download. Individual articles can be accessed by clicking on the article title below.

 Cover Download the PDF

 Table of Contents Download the PDF

The Great Drone Debate Download the PDF

Amitai Etzioni

Drones are here to stay, and the arguments against their use have to be addressed.

14 The Rise of the Machines Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel Douglas A. Pryer, U.S. Army

Employment of unmanned aerial vehicles in war carries costs that can have unforeseen strategic ramifications.

25 Applying Mission Command through the Operations Process Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel Michael Flynn, U.S. Army, Retired

Lieutenant Colonel Chuck Schrankel, U.S. Army, Retired

Mission command and its associated framework, the operations process, are central concepts that underpin how our Army fights.

33 The Officership Model: Exporting Leader Development to the Force Download the PDF

Major Todd Hertling, U.S. Army

The U.S. Military Academy’s capstone course, Officership, can help rekindle the enthusiasm for leader development across the Army.

42 The Evolution of Mission Command in U.S. Army Doctrine, 1905 to the Present Download the PDF

Colonel Clinton J. Ancker, III, U.S. Army, Retired

The basic ideas of mission command have evolved continuously, often reflecting combat experience.

53 Dynamics of Interagency Teams Download the PDF

Major General Raymond D. Barrett, U.S. Army, Retired

Leaders will be better equipped to manage teams if they understand the dynamic forces that bind them and tear them apart.

62 Revisiting Persistent Engagement and Interagency Collaboration Download the PDF

Major Charles Malcolm Williams, U.S. Army

The Joint force must understand the importance of political causation in creating instability.

70 Breaking the Kevlar Ceiling: A National Security Case for Full Gender Integration in the U.S. Army Download the PDF

Major Jacqueline S.L. Escobar, U.S. Army

It is a travesty for the best military in the wolrd not to include the perspective of half the nation's talent pool in its strategic decision making.

79 Social Swarming: Asymmetric Effects on Public Discourse in Future Conflict Download the PDF

Major David Faggard, U.S. Air Force

Cyber-based information warfare is built upon E-citizen soldiers using social swarming to overwhelm a system, a decision-maker, or a critical node.

89 Death from Above: UAVs and Losing Hearts and Minds Download the PDF

Jeffrey A. Sluka, Ph.D.

"The greatest, weirdest, coolest, hardware in the American aresenal" is probably undermining America's image abroad.

96 INSIGHT: An Injury, Not a Disorder Download the PDF

Frank Ochberg, M.D.

The time is now to understand post-traumatic stress as an injury.

100 Review Essay: The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in the Second World War Download the PDF

Daniel Paliwoda, Ph.D.

Poland’s history may be tragic, but a doomed heroism distinguishes it.

107 Book Reviews Download the PDF

Contemporary Readings for the Military Professional

121 Cover 3 Download the PDF

Announcing the 2013 General William E. DePuy Combined Arms Center Writing Competition. “What can the Army do to improve the combined effects of training, education, and experience to best develop leaders to apply Mission Command in order to execute Unified Land Operations?”

May-June 2013

Complete Edition Download the PDF

The complete edition as well as all articles are in pdf format. Complete issues may have large file sizes that may take some time to download. Individual articles can be accessed by clicking on the article title below.

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Table of Contents Download the PDF

The Imaginary Army Ethic: A Call for Articulating a Real Foundation for our Profession Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel Brian Imiola, U.S. Army, Ph.D.

For years the Army has talked about the “Army Ethic,” but has never articulated the ethic’s principles. A professor asserts that the Army needs the principles expressed in a clear manner to guide its actions and decisions.

Improving the Leader Development Experience in Army Units Download the PDF

Colonel Douglas C. Crissman, U.S. Army

A former brigade commander opines that leader development is a continuous process and suggests ways to improve the leader development experience in units.

16 Professionalism and the Officer Personnel Management System Download the PDF

William M. Donnelly, Ph.D.

A military historian researches the officer management system initiated during the Vietnam War to improve officer professionalism. He concludes that 40 years later officer professionalism remains a matter of concern.

24 Early Mistakes with Security Forces Advisory Teams in Afghanistan Download the PDF

Captain Wesley Moerbe, U.S. Army

If the security forces advisory team is to be an enduring and decisive part of our strategy, we must develop an overarching concept to provide an azimuth to unify our efforts.

30 To Make Army PME Distance Learning Work, Make It Social Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel Raymond A. Kimball and Captain Joseph M. Byerly, U.S. Army

Social learning must be incorporated in all Army distance learning courses to connect students and allow for an exchange of ideas.

39 The Non-neutrality of Technology: Pitfalls of Network-Enabled Operations Download the PDF

Christine G. van Burken

A military scholar argues that making decisions on military operations based on network-enabling technology, such as live video imagines originating from manned or unmanned systems, may lead decision makers to misinterpret data or lose sight of the “big picture,” sometimes ending in tragedy.

48 The Human Shield in Islamic Jurisprudence Download the PDF

Major Benjamin Buchholz, U.S. Army

A foreign area officer specializing in Arabic and the Middle East discusses the legal and moral restrictions of using civilians as human shields. He argues that Al-Qaeda’s choice to discard Islamic traditions with regard to the human shield leaves the door open for exploitation by the U.S. military.

53 Purpose in Mission Design: Understanding the Four Kinds of Operational Approach Download the PDF

Simon Murden, Ph.D.

Design, a methodology for applying critical and creative thinking to understand, visualize, and describe complex, ill-structured problems, is on the verge of a step change in conceptual capability; however, there is still much to be done.

63 Alternate Perspectives: Trying to Think from the Other Side of the Hill Download the PDF

Lieutenant Colonel Wlliam Greenberg, U.S. Army, Retired

Gaining an insight into the enemy’s perspective is a step toward understanding an enemy’s strengths, weaknesses, and intentions. Two case studies demonstrate the advantages.

72 INSIGHTS: King No More Download the PDF

Major Lance Boothe, U.S. Army, Retired

There is an identity crisis within the Field Artillery brought on by 10 years of counterinsurgency. The artillery must regain its core competencies.

79 INSIGHTS: Promoting Critical Thought: A Response to the Center of Army Leadership’s Rebuttal to “Empirically Based Leadership” Download the PDF

Major Sean P. McDonald, U.S. Army , Psy.D.

Discourse on the Leadership Requirement Model generated by an article in the March-April issue of Military Review continues.

84 Book Reviews Download the PDF

Contemporary Readings for the Military Professional

97 Cover 3 Download the PDF

Poetry from the Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablets II and III

July-August 2013

Complete Edition Download the PDF

The complete edition as well as all articles are in pdf format. Complete issues may have large file sizes that may take some time to download. Individual articles can be accessed by clicking on the article title below.

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Table of Contents Download the PDF

The Future Army: Preparation and Readiness Download the PDF

General Robert W. Cone, U.S. Army

The future of the nation depends on an intelligently trained and disciplined Army.

Trafficking Terror through Tajikistan Download the PDF

Luke Falkenburg

The opiate trade through Tajikistan provides finances that help keep Islamist extremist organizations viable.

16 The CTC Program: Leading the March into the Future Download the PDF

Colonel Michael Barbee, U.S. Army

The Combat Training Centers will continue to be at the forefront of Army Readiness.

23 Turkey’s Role in Afghanistan and Afghan Stabilization Download the PDF

Karen Kaya

Turkey has a strong religious, historical, and cultural relationship with Afghanistan.

31 Sowing Dragon’s Teeth: OSS Operational Groups of World War II Download the PDF

Nathan C. Hill

The author presents a concise history of America’s strategic intelligence services.

38 Joint Operational Access and the Global Response Force: Redefining Readiness Download the PDF

Brigadier General Charles Flynn and Major Joshua Richardson, U.S. Army

The authors posits that we must invest in our joint forcible-entry capabilities such that when needed, they are equipped, trained, and ready to complete the mission.

45 The Engaged Leader Paradigm: The Community Health Promotion Council as the Key to Family and Soldier Readiness Download the PDF

E. Margaret Phillips

An Army wife and former family readiness group leader asserts that that the Army has outgrown the family readiness group system and calls for an engaged leader paradigm to take its place.

53 Design and Operational Art: A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology Download the PDF

Colonel Thomas Graves, U.S. Army and Bruce E. Stanley, Ph.D., U.S. Army, Retired

As the Army design doctrine has evolved, so has the design curriculum at the U.S. Army’s School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS).

60 A More Flexible Army and a More Stable World Download the PDF

First Lieutenant George W. Runkle, U.S. Army

The author proposes a new Army for a new era.

71 Women: The Combat Multiplier of Asymmetric Warfare Download the PDF

Colonel Clark H. Summers, U.S. Army Reserve

In wars among the people, women are a necessary component of the total fight.

79 Book Reviews Download the PDF

Contemporary Readings for the Military Professional

92 Letters Download the PDF

97 Cover 3 Download the PDF

COL John J. Smith retired on 31 July 2013 after nearly 32 years on active duty in the Army, the last five as Editor-in-Chief of Military Review.

September-October 2013

Complete Edition Download the PDF

The complete edition as well as all articles are in pdf format. Complete issues may have large file sizes that may take some time to download. Individual articles can be accessed by clicking on the article title below.

Cover Download the PDF

Table of Contents Download the PDF

Trust Erosion and Identity Corrosion Download the PDF

Col. John A. Vermeesch, U.S. Army

11 Fighting Alone: The Challenge of Shrinking Social Capital and the Army Profession Download the PDF

Maj. Charlie Lewis, U.S. Army

21 Defeating Future Hybrid Threats: The Greatest Challenge to the Army Profession of 2020 and Beyond Download the PDF

Maj. John R. Davis Jr., U.S. Army

30 Character Development of U.S. Army Leaders: The Laissez- Faire Approach Download the PDF

Col. Brian M. Michelson, U.S. Army

40 The Trust Lapse: How Our Profession’s Bedrock is Being Undermined Download the PDF

Maj. Joshua Glonek, U.S. Army

48 Uninformed, not Uniformed? The Apolitical Myth Download the PDF

Maj. Brian Babcock-Lumish, Ph.D., U.S. Army

57 The Myths We Soldiers Tell Ourselves (and the Harm These Myths Do) Download the PDF

Lt. Col. Peter Fromm, U.S. Army, Retired; Lt. Col. Douglas Pryer; U.S. Army; and Lt. Col. Kevin Cutright, U.S. Army

69 The Greatest Threat Facing the Army Profession Download the PDF

Dan Johnson, Consultant with The Praevius Group, Salado, Texas

73 Trust: Implications for the Army Profession Download the PDF

Col. Charles D. Allen, U.S. Army, Retired, and Col. William G.“Trey” Braun III, U.S. Army, Retired

86 Remembering Vietnam Download the PDF

Arnold R. Isaacs, Journalist and Vietnam War Correspondent

95 Letters Download the PDF

97 Cover 3 Download the PDF

Announcing the 2013 General William E. DePuy Combined Arms Center Writing Competition Winners

November-December 2013

Complete Edition Download the PDF

The complete edition as well as all articles are in pdf format. Complete issues may have large file sizes that may take some time to download. Individual articles can be accessed by clicking on the article title below.

Cover Download the PDF

Letter from the Editor Download the PDF

Table of Contents Download the PDF

Mission Command in the Regionally Aligned Division Headquarters Download the PDF

Brig. Gen. Wayne W. Grigsby Jr., U.S. Army; Col. Patrick Matlock, U.S. Army; Lt. Col. Christopher R. Norrie, U.S. Army; and Maj. Karen Radka, U.S. Army

1st Armored Division provides a force generation model for a regionally aligned headquarters based on a mission command philosophy and forward-focused mindset.

10 The Strategic Planning “Problem” Download the PDF

Maj. Gen. Gordon B. "Skip" Davis Jr., U.S. Army; Brig. Gen. Thomas C. Graves, U.S. Army; and Col. Christopher N. Prigge, U.S. Army

A group of senior officers call for further education of our officer corps to develop better collaboration, communication, and influence skills at the strategic level and critical and creative thinking skills in general.

18 Delivering the Command and General Staff Officer Course at the Operational Edge Download the PDF

Lt. Col. John A. Schatzel, U.S. Army, Retired, and Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens, U.S. Army, Retired

Professional military education is critical to developing leaders who run the Army and lead our soldiers in unified land operations. The Command and General Staff College educates officers serving throughout the world with its resident and nonresident courses.

23 Taking Ownership of Mission Command Download the PDF

Maj. Demetrios A. Ghikas, U.S. Army

An award winning author posits that mission command is the Army’s answer to the uncertainty, ambiguity, and fog of war and conflict. Leaders in every situation and every setting must practice mission command.

31 Growing Leaders Who Practice Mission Command and Win the Peace Download the PDF

Lt. Col. Douglas A. Pryer, U.S. Army

If we are to have leaders who truly practice mission command and can win the peace, our Army requires a fundamental reorientation, one that supports deep changes to Army culture, doctrine, training, personnel management, and education.

42 Leader Preparation to Support Rebuilding Download the PDF

Lt. Gen. Frederic J. (Rick) Brown, Ph.D., U.S. Army, Retired

To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operating and generating forces, one accomplished author suggests teams of leaders using high performing leader team building and intensive collaboration across borders.

51 Fighting and Winning Like Women Download the PDF

Dr. Robert M. Hill

Success in the Army, or any military service, should not be determined by race, gender, sexual orientation, or even sexual identity but by one’s competence.

58 Commanders Intent and Concept of Operations Download the PDF

Maj. Richard Dempsey, U.S. Army, and Maj. Jonathan M. Chavous, U.S. Army

The author argues that the “expert” multi-paged concept of operations in electronic media used now could lead to a disjointed understanding of the concept of operations. He calls for a return to doctrinally complete mission orders.

67 Applying Principles of Counterinsurgency to the Fight Against Sexual Assault in the Military Download the PDF

1st Lt. Chad R. Christian, U.S. Army

Fighting sexual assault in the Army is in some ways like fighting an insurgency. Using the principles of COIN to identify possible predators, their territory, and their weapons will help stop sexual assaults.

75 The Electron Theory of Leadership: Enabling Senior Leaders to Really See Their Organizations Download the PDF

Maj. Gen. Richard Longo, U.S. Army, and Lt. Col. Joe Doty, Ph.D., U.S. Army, Retired

The authors offer five methods commanders can use to help assess their subordinate units without having to wonder if they are seeing the real deal or a “dog and pony show.”

79 A Role for Land Warfare Forces in Overcoming A2/AD Download the PDF

Col. Vincent Alcazar, U.S. Air Force, and Col. Thomas M. Lafleur, U.S. Army

Preparing for land warfare in the future begins today with an emphasis on future tactics, techniques, and procedures and associated concept of operations to maximize U.S. technologies in innovate ways.

88 REVIEW ESSAY - Captain Witold Pilecki Download the PDF

Daniel Paliwoda, Ph.D.

Witold Pilecki just about signs his own death warrant by allowing himself to be sent to Auschwitz; for that reason, one realizes immediately that Pilecki was a special man whose moral code is rare.

97 BOOK REVIEWS: Contemporary Readings for the Military Professional Download the PDF

109 LETTERS Download the PDF

113 2013 Annual Index Download the PDF

121 Cover 3 Download the PDF

Medal of Honor Recipient - Ty M. Carter - For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty...